I felt really guilty yesterday afternoon following church. I've gotten into the habit of skipping the first part of the service to avoid the music. This really has been bothering me, especially because our church has such a great praise team and the fact that music has always been a big part of my experience within church.
Unfortunately, I have discovered that music will break me down at a moments notice. My mind races back to Vanessa in church raising her hands in praise and all the faith she kept through her trials and battle with cancer. I am tired of crying and I try to avoid it. I really hate crying in public and feel that I have been really good at dealing with things following her death. I don't like trying to avoid things and live in denial, but is it better to give yourself a 'buffer' from things that will break you down and give yourself time, or just deal with it straight up?
The old me thought that once you dealt with it, it got easier and you could move on. I have found with music and church, that I could cry every Sunday... it's crazy!?!?!? Again, there's nothing wrong with it... I'm touchy here too, because a nurse once got on me for trying not to cry when Vanessa was in the hospital. She asked me what was wrong with crying, to which I had no response, and Vanessa really enjoyed seeing me in the awkward moment.
I guess what I'm getting at here is that I really miss being a part of the praise team. I miss playing the drums. I miss enjoying the joys of music. But, how do you get back to that when you are constantly reminded by sadness. I really don't want to rush back to playing, get up on stage and then have a breakdown. Nothing worse than the drummer getting off time because he's sobbing during a song.
I'm good 99% of the time now. I have gotten on a decent schedule, get average sleep, spend good times with the girls, I've even started exercising again and I am starting an assault on the several pounds I have packed on with my emotional eating... a must after noticing I look like Santa Claus without the beard and red suit (this will be another post, for another time).
Meg started volunteering at the church with the nursery, and I am very proud of her. She made the statement that we need to get back involved. I agree, but I'm just not sure where I fit in at the moment? Religion and emotions are somewhat hypersensitive at times. I'm not doubting my faith, I still feel I have strong faith, but I am just tired of getting emotional at times I can't control... maybe I should schedule them on my over-packed calendar?!?!?!
Honestly, I have to keep strong with the "Reverend Maddy Ray" in the house... my little 9 year old evangelical daughter keeps me on the straight and narrow :)
Lastly, and on a very positive note, I am starting to enjoy the reminders on Facebook. For sometime, I had to avoid them to keep from getting down. I found that the reminders were often too much to deal with. However, after focusing on all the positives in them, I have really started enjoying them once again.
Below is a memory from 2 years ago on this day... it's too good not to share.
Posted June 26, 2015: